It's more than just washing dishes...

I don't know about you guys, but I find washing dishes more than just washing dishes...(I dunno whether that makes sense)

For me, washing dishes is like an oppurtunity to go over my life and my decisions, maybe even talk to myself and run a bit of a check on myself.

Usually, when I wash dishes, I put my earphones in, play some music and zone out from reality for about 45 minutes. Last night (on the day this was published), after 2 weeks of not listening to music, I sorted my songs in the order I wanted to play them, and as soon as I dipped my hands into the hot water to begin, my subconscious mind instantly took over... especially with this song:

This song was the first song in my playlist, and it instantly took me back to 2018, when I first heard it on an episode of Top Gear where James May drove the Range Rover Evoque through Death Valley.

I inagined myself driving to Limpopo with my wife as a passenger in my new Range Rover Evoque, with this very song playing through the speakers.

I also had some time to reflect on my thoughts and actions... I gave myself time to think to myself "Why didn't I say hi to this other girl I came across that afternoon", "Why didn't I choose the Xbox One instead of the Xbox 360 4 years ago?", "Why tf am I so shy?!"

Essentially, washing dishes for me, gives me a chance to check myself and recap on the things that I have and haven't done, and just create an alternative world in which I can float around until it's time to wipe the dishes...


I would like to know what you guys do when you wash dishes... Let me know in the comments down below, and i'll see you guys in the next blog!

Thank you so much for the 350+ people who have read my blog since it's establishment mid- last month, I truly appreciate the support you guy's have been giving me and my blog. Because of you guys, the blog is getting one step closer to monetization, meaning i'll be making money off of ads on these blogs.

Also, i'd like to formally apologize to those that took offense and caught feelings in yesterday's blog. I didn't mean to offend you in the first place, and I should've attended to you guys personally instead of resorting to the blog... That was a fault on my behalf.


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