Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives...
School has most of us waking up at 5AM and sleeping at 12AM. School has us learning things that have no use at all in what we want to do to put bread on the table (except Life Sciences for doctors-to-be). School be getting us filled with stress at a young age, with most learners being sleep deprived. Imagine. The recommended amount of sleep is 7-8 hours, but physics learners are out here pulling off all-nighters. That's not healthy at all!
We go to school for seven and even eight hours just to listen to 4 OR 5 teachers (depending on the timetable) read something from a textbook that another person wrote. Can't we do that ourselves? Our parents pay school fees for us to sit in a stuffy classroom listening to another person read something written by another person (lord knows where that person got his information from, but anyway).
When are schools actually going to teach us the stuff we NEED to know to survive in the urban jungle? When are they going to start teaching us the practical things? When are they going to teach us how to do our taxes? When are they going to teach us the importance of having a good credit score to get good offers on home loans and things like that? I think that schools of the not too distant past were better than the ones we currently attend.
Back then, schools actually had practical subjects that could aid a person in the future. That subject was called Home Economics. In those classes, students actually learnt how to cook, how to knit, how to do all these things that could help around the household. Where did that subject go? Now we have to deal with learning about photosynthesis. Absolutely ridiculous! When are schools going to be realistic?
In conclusion, unless schools become realistic with us instead of being theoretical, it's an absolute joke and a waste of time and money!
That's just my thought...
Atleast there's something we can all agree on !
ReplyDeleteGood points made here... However, until you have a solid plan to move forward... School will remain the foundation.